An imported car can be nationalized upon payment of formerly exempted taxes.
Cars imported with a diplomatic tax exemption within the framework of article 14 or article 6 of Decree 25/70 on definitive import can be nationalized.
Cars imported temporarily in within the framework of article 15 of Decree 25/70 cannot be nationalized.
As a request from the DNRPA (National Directorate of Automotive Property Registry) only cars holding a Model Configuration License ("Licencia de Configuración de Modelo" - LCM) can be nationalized.
All car nationalization operations of imported cars, whether for personal or official use, must be recorded by the Customs Office via SIM (Sistema Informático María), a computer based system. This registration must be carried by a registered customs broker. To perform import/export operations, the Mission also needs to be registered as an Importer/ Exporter in the Registry of the General Customs Office.
Before the Nationalization Authorization Certificate can be issued, the foreign Mission must return the Number Plate, the ID windshield sticker and the Identification Cards. It must show proof of payment of the taxes.
1. Note of the Mission: The nationalization must be requested through a note, signed by the Chief of Mission (or legal surrogate), as well as the beneficiary (the civil servant owning the car for private use) bearing their full names and positions within the Mission.
2. Please attach the appropriate form:
a. Nationalization of an imported car for official use: Form FDF N° 0017 entitled “Nacionalización de un Automotor Importado de Uso Oficial de la Representación”
b. Nationalization of an imported car for the private use of a civil servant: Form FDF N° 0018 entitled “Nacionalización del Automotor Importado de un Funcionario de la Representación”
3. Please attach a NON-CERTIFIED COPY of the Authorization to purchase the car.
4. Please attach a NON-CERTIFIED COPY of the purchase invoice in the name of the Mission or of a document that establishes the ownership of the car.
6. Please attach a NON-CERTIFIED COPY of the import tax exemption document.
7. ORIGINAL Copy of Form 12P (Formulario 12P): This is a form issued by the DNRPA that verifies the chassis and motor numbers. If this original form has already been presented to our Office, a simple COPY will suffice.
8. COPY of Importation Customs Clearance.
9. COPY of “Transfer Authorization”, in case the car has been previously transferred between Missions or civil servants.
10. If the car belongs to a civil servant from a foreign Mission who is about to end his posting in Argentina, please attach a NON-CERTIFIED COPY of the Note sent to the National Protocol Department stating that the civil servant is soon to end his/her posting and indicating the date and flight on which he/she is to leave.
- This Office will check the application and, if everything is correct, it will ask the foreign Mission to return the Number Plates, the ID windshield sticker and the Identification Cards of the authorized drivers. If necessary, this Office may issue a Free Circulation Certificate valid for 10 calendar days, upon presentation of a NON-CERTIFIED COPY of a valid insurance policy.
Returning the Number Plate or Courtesy Number Plate of the Private Car of a Civil Servant or the Official Car of a Foreign Mission Form PDF N° 0013 entitled “Devolución de Chapa Patente o Chapa Patente de Cortesía del automotor de un funcionario o de Uso Oficial de la Representación”
- If the application is approved, the Tax Exemption Office will send a “Nationalization Authorization Certificate” to the General Customs Office and a copy of it to the applicant Mission, if it deems it appropriate to do so.
- This Certificate has to be registered at the SIM (Customs computer based system) by a Customs Broker on behalf of the Mission.
en nombre de la Representación.