Today, the Argentine Republic officialized its withdrawal from the so-called Lima Group, as it deemed that the actions that the Group has been promoting at international level, with a view to isolate the Venezuelan Government and its representatives, have led to nothing. Furthermore, the participation of part of Venezuela’s opposition as a member of the Lima Group has led to the adoption of positions that the Argentine Government could not and cannot defend.
Once again, we reiterate that the best way to assist Venezuelans is by facilitating inclusive dialogue which does not favour any given sector, but which helps to hold elections that are accepted by a majority and subject to international monitoring. However, there is no doubt that Venezuelan authorities cannot overlook the fact that it is mainly their responsibility to create proper conditions for productive dialogue, in which they must participate and from which they cannot exclude the opposition as a whole. This dialogue would undoubtedly benefit from the views of the country’s main social actors, such as the church, the business sector and non-governmental organizations, without exception.
In a context where the pandemic has wreaked havoc across the region, the sanctions and blocks imposed on Venezuela and its authorities, as well as the destabilization attempts made in 2020, have than nothing but worsen the situation for its people and, in particular, the most vulnerable sectors. It should be highlighted that those sanctions have affected the enjoyment of human rights by the Venezuelan people, as stated in the report by the Special Rapporteur on the Negative Impact of Unilateral Coercive Measures on the Enjoyment of Human Rights.
In this spirit, Argentina will maintain its commitment to stability in the region and will seek to facilitate peaceful and democratic solutions that respect the sovereignty and domestic affairs of each State.