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Argentina deposits ratification instrument of Escazú Agreement facilitating its entry into force

Friday, 22 January 2021
Information for the Press N°: 

On behalf of the Argentine Government, on 22 January 2021 the Foreign Ministry deposited its ratification instrument of the Escazú Agreement before the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Therefore, upon deposit of the ratification instrument together with Mexico, Argentina facilitates the entry into force of the Agreement on April 22 next, when International Earth Day is commemorated. In addition, such ratification demonstrates Argentina’s firm commitment to human rights and sustainable development. The Escazú Agreement is the first environmental treaty in Latin America and the Caribbean, setting regional standards for the right of access in environmental issues and promoting capacity building and strengthening as well as international cooperation in the field. The Argentine Republic thanks and congratulates the Mexican government for having deposited its ratification on the same date.

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