Cláusula de Integración Regional

Trade part of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement

Without Prejudice



En atención al creciente interés público en las negociaciones recientemente concluidas entre el MERCOSUR y la Unión Europea, el gobierno argentino, a fin de garantizar el efectivo ejercicio del derecho de acceso a la información pública y la transparencia de la gestión pública, da a conocer los textos del Acuerdo “en principio” MERCOSUR- UE anunciado en Bruselas el pasado 28 de junio de 2019.

No obstante se deja constancia que estos textos se publican sólo con fines informativos y pueden sufrir modificaciones adicionales como resultado del proceso de revisión legal de los mismos, sin perjuicio de no alterar los compromisos en las concesiones alcanzados en el acuerdo anunciado entre el MERCOSUR y la UE.

Los textos solo serán definitivos una vez firmado el Acuerdo. El acuerdo será obligatorio para las Partes en virtud del derecho internacional solo después de que cada una de ellas complete los procedimientos legales internos necesarios para la entrada en vigor del Acuerdo (o su aplicación provisional)

Article X

Regional Integration

1. While recognising the differences in their respective regional integration processes, and without prejudice to the commitments undertaken under this Agreement, the Parties shall foster conditions which facilitate the movement of goods and services between and within the two regions.

2. With respect to movement of goods, pursuant to paragraph 1:

a) goods originating in a signatory Member State of MERCOSUR that are released for free circulation in the European Union [EU Party] shall benefit from free movement of goods within the territory of the European Union [EU Party] under the conditions established by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;

b) the signatory Member States of MERCOSUR shall apply to goods originating in the European Union [EU Party] that are imported in its territory from another signatory Member State of MERCOSUR, customs procedures that are no less favourable than those applicable to goods originating in that signatory Member State of Mercosur.
The treatment referred to under points (a) and (b) of this paragraph does not include tariff treatment for goods, which is governed by Chapter X [Trade in Goods].

c) the signatory Member States of MERCOSUR shall periodically review their customs procedures with a view to facilitating the movement of goods of the European Union [EU Party] between their territories and to avoiding duplication of procedures and controls when practicable and in accordance with the evolution of their integration process.

d) benefits of MERCOSUR harmonisation of technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures, SPS requirements and approval procedures (including import certificates, controls) shall be extended under non-discriminatory conditions to goods originating in the EU if they have been imported in compliance with the importing Member State of MERCOSUR laws and regulations.

3. With respect to trade of services, pursuant to paragraph 1:

a) Member States of the European Union shall endeavour to facilitate, as appropriate, the freedom to provide services between their territories to enterprises owned or controlled by natural or juridical persons of a signatory Member State of MERCOSUR and established in a Member State of the European Union;

b) signatory Members States of MERCOSUR shall endeavour to facilitate, as appropriate, the freedom to provide services between their territories to enterprises owned or controlled by natural or juridical persons of a Member State of the European Union and established in a signatory Member State of MERCOSUR.